
Curbside Cravin’s is pulling up on a busy corner near you to serve up a variety of Classic American Cuisine with a Twist!

It’s everything you want when you Crave what’s Good. Curbside is constantly serving up new creations that take traditional hearty American dishes from Home-Style to Street-Magic.

Featuring Delicious Burgerz and Dogz paired with next level fries, nachos and tots!

It’s a meal that keeps you guessing and leaves you full-bellied and inspired.

Here is a Sample of the Menu Choices we would typically provide for an Event or Large Group. We want your Event to feature your signature flavor and style, so we customize your Catering Experience and tailor the taste to suit your needs. Please Contact Us Here for more information or to get a quote for an Event!

Catering Menu

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We Change and Adapt our Menu daily to keep you on your toes and eating Fresh and Local Ingredients! We are a Family owned Central North Carolina Establishment. We are ready to feed you and we look forward to showing you where Casual meets Gourmet. When you know it tastes familiar but it’s so much more… come check us out and come hungry!